Race officials course

The race season is nearly upon us and most of us will be asked to volunteer at one or more of the races coming up in our region. Usually the reason people do not volunteer is they are unsure what the jobs entail and they think they won’t be able to do the role. To address this Bromley are hosting a SSE Level 1 Official Course on Saturday 2nd April 2011 at Bromley Ski Slope. There is a nominal fee for attending of £10 per individual (this includes a hot lunch) and £5 if you are a Bromley member as our club are subsidising the course for our members.

I would be grateful if you could please forward the attached flyer to all your members and encourage parents of racers to attend as this will hopefully benefit your clubs when the race season begins and volunteers are required.

If any interested people can contact me to book their place – places will be limited due to space so please book early. I have spoken to SSE and these courses are not run frequently as they only have one available coach to run them so this might be the only opportunity this season.

thank you very much

Sue Vale
Bromley Race Secretary