Well done to all those that attended squad training at Bracknell on Sunday. A fantastic turnout. Some great competition training runs in time for the British Championships at Laax Switzerland, the end if this month. But equally impressive was the progression of the development squad learning some new tricks for the first time not only on the rails but also the kickers as well. Next squad training on Sunday 4th…

Hi can all those attending training session on Sunday take an extra £15 to become member of Southern Freestyle Club. This is to cover membership and maintenance of equipment Also need to register for “Grom Games” asap and don’t forget British Championships this month Darren

level 2 performance assessment

I am writing to all members who are in our database as a Level 1 Instructor who is thinking of going up one level to become a full Level 2 Instructor. If you have already taken a Level 2 Training Course and completed a further 20 hours supervised instruction you may be ready to attend for your final Examination to hold a Level 2 licence. There have been 4 dates…

New School Freestyle Course

Hi Snowsports South will be running a freestyle course at Bracknell JNL Centre on April 10/11 For all those interested please contact me asap only 10 places available. Course will be run by Par Sharples All the best Darren Schmidt

New School Freestyle Course

Hi Snowsports South will be running a freestyle course at Bracknell JNL Centre on April 10/11 For all those interested please contact me asap only 10 places available. Course will be run by Par Sharples All the best Darren Schmidt