Snowsport England AGM

The Snowsport England AGM will take place on Saturday 3 October in Loughborough. This year SSE are introducing one member one vote. Further details can be found here.

Training Opportunities

We have been asked to publicise 3 race camps which are being organised at or by regional clubs during the next 6 months. Please note, these are not being run by the region and you should contact the organisers for further information. 12 – 14 August Team Evolution Race Camp at Snowtrax info 26 – 30 October SASA Training Camp at Landgraaf info 26 – 30 October SkiBitz Race Camp…

Bowles Race – Sunday 5 July

Thank you to everyone at Bowles for putting such a well organised race today – and well done to all the racers. The results are posted via the link in the right hand column. The fun team results are: 1st Place : Kilo 2nd Place : Alpha 3rd Place : Echo Jed Bartlett Lila Ayton Jason Gan Louis Parry-Gokce Cara Caldwell Charlotte Hilliard Jake Shemmans Matt Mitchell Boden Kelly Felicity…

Bowles Race – Sunday 5 July

Thank you to everyone who has entered the Snowsport South Race at Bowles this Sunday 5 July. The start list can be found here and entries by club here.The postcode for the slope is TN3 9LW. The provisional timetable for the day is: 7:45 Centre Opens 8:00 Bibs available to club representatives 8:30 – 9:15 Open Practice (or earlier if the course is ready) 9:30 Individual Timed Runs Start ~12:30…

Inter Region Team Championship – Pendle

This year the Inter Region race will be held at the Pendle slope on the 28th June and we are looking to put together a team to represent Snowsport South. We need 7 racers to make a team of which two must be female and all racers must be registered with Snowsport England and have their first named clubs registered with Snowsport South as their first name region. If you…